Why Choose A Wyoming LLC

When choosing a state to form an LLC, consider some of Wyoming's business friendly laws that help protect business owners.

Wyoming LLC Benefits

A Wyoming LLC takes advantage of no state income, corporate tax, or capital gains tax. By having a service such as our file on your behalf you can maintain optimal privacy by keeping your name out of public records. Wyoming is considered to be one of the most business friendly states. Start your Wyoming LLC today and use our WY registered agent service.
Liability Protection

Wyoming's has charging order laws to help keep assets safe.

Traveling Not Required

You can file your Wyoming LLC from anywhere in the world. No need to travel to Wyoming.


Owners and members are not required to be disclosed on public filings.

More Details Of Wyoming's LLC Benefits

Having a Wyoming LLC can help keeps your personal liability to a minimum in respect to assets. A Wyoming LLC is considered to be an entity separate from its owner. Similar to another person. Your Wyoming LLC can get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) which can be compared to an individual SSN. By keeping your business assets and activity separate from each other, your assets can be protected from lawsuits.

For example, your business loses a lawsuit. Creditors cannot go after your personal assets.

Wyoming does not require you to be physically present in the state to file your LLC. People and entities from around the world can file an LLC. Sometimes it is easier to have a firm such as LLCWYO.com to help with the language barrier or complexities.

Although, Wyoming does require someone to be physically located in state to accept legal documents on behalf of the entity. This is where our WY registered agent service helps those outside the state maintain this requirement.

The state of Wyoming has some of the most unparalleled privacy laws of any US state. Reporting and public disclosures are near minimum. Information of ownership of Wyoming LLCs is not maintained by the state. A registered agent is required to keep this information. This means your owners/members names or addresses do not necessarily have to be disclosed on public records. To maintain this high level of privacy, it is best to hire a firm.

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